Friday 22 March 2013


During childhood, every day my mother woke me up saying, 'Rise and shine. The early bird gets the worm.' I didn't know then what she meant by these words. She wanted me to be an early riser, as she believed that early risers have more time to achieve their goals. Today I understand the meaning of these words, and I value the lesson that I learned. If you are an early riser, you would know how blissful mornings can be. At dawn, the first rays of the sun gently caress the earth, like a mother waking her child up. From then on, it is a flurry of activity. You can tell that it is morning by the enthusiastic birds chirping. Catch the morning rays of the sun on your face. Bask in the warm golden rays, and you will feel wonderful. Take a brisk walk in the open, and enjoy the gentle morning breeze on your face. The morning sun is a good source of vitamins that gives your body a healthy look. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE.

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