Sunday, 19 May 2013

Is This One More Reason Why You Should Not Marry? Couples Start Taking Each Other For Granted After Just Three And A Half Years Of Marriage

black couple

I bet you did not know that, the honeymoon period lasts for only 3 and half years after marriage. After that, couples start taking each other for granted says a new research.
Is this one more reason why you think marriage is not for you? I have heard someone say, this is one of the major causes of divorce. After all, if you buy a fridge and it stops cooling your drinks, all you will have to do is buy a new one.
According to the research;
after three and a half years of wedded bliss, cuddling up on the sofa in the evening is a thing of the past, with couples more likely to go to bed at different times.
And by this time in a relationship, rather than settling down to enjoy an evening together, the likelihood is that couples will eat at different times, sit in different rooms and zone out of a conversation in favour of watching television.
Kate Jones, of Co-operative Food, which commissioned the study, said:
‘This research shows once they’ve tied the knot, it’s all too easy for couples to start getting complacent and start taking each other for granted”.
I think this even happens if you’ve been with your boyfriend for long enough.  The initial days are full of all the hugs, touching and cuddles. But with time, things can get really sloppy and uninteresting, especially in bed.
Once the honeymoon period is over couples often let bad habits take over, and forget to go the extra mile to make each other happy.
‘We all know that it’s the little things that make a big difference, so adding a bit of quality time, like re-introducing ‘date nights’ or enjoying a meal in together, could be a good way to show you care.
‘Bad habits begin to creep into the relationship, such as breaking wind in front of each other, showering less, women forgetting to shave their legs, not closing the bathroom door when using the toilet and leaving the toilet seat up.
This is where I think most of us women fall (married or in long term relationship)
The study also found appearance takes a turn for the worse, with many dressing down in tracksuit bottoms or pyjamas before their partner gets home.
Not bothering with make-up and ditch matching underwear in favour of granny pants also becomes common place.
Additionally, this is the stage when familiarity with each other leads to memory loss regarding events such as wedding anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Christmas and even birthdays.
Couples also revert to being more interested in spending time with friends than each other.
But despite entering the comfort zone, two thirds of those polled said they still consider their marriage to be ‘strong’.

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