Sunday, 19 May 2013

Are Black Women Worth Anything More Than Their Backsides & Weaves?


This photo had the above text with it when it was posted on instagram
What happened to those young black women who were interested in some of the most important things that define humanity and civilization?
Few years ago, the many young black women I knew were of great substance, and were enthused by career, family, academic achievements, religious and moral uprightness…
I remember discussing and debating subjects like the origin of the cosmos, physics, world politics, current affairs, law, religion, racial concerns and ‘whether we are defined by morality or we define morality’ with many of the young women I grew up with.
Though I have not met all the black girls I grew up with, I have come across several of them and other new sets of black women, called the cosmopolitan women-better put, the modern black women.
To confess, I love the confidence and disturbing ego of these new sets of black women. Nothing can stop them from getting what they want, even if they did not need it and morality is not on their side.
To hell with morality-through these new sets of black women, I have come to affirm my belief that, we define morality, contrary to morality being divine and universal.
The concept of what is wrong is wrong no matter where you find it is alien to these new sets of black women, and to them; you make things wrong if you want to…
After all, who made any of us custodians to morality on this earth?
Let me try to restrict my writing to the worth of these new sets of black women and the sort of wretched image they’ve succeeded in building for themselves globally.
The new sets of black women I meet each day and find around me are extensively different from those promising and witty ones I saw growing up.
Apart from God, this new black women believe in nothing more than their weaves and backsides. They discuss none of the things I mentioned above and a few find such things interesting.
Whenever there is a debate or discussing among these new young black women, it is about a new reality show hitting the TV, the old ones or where to find the best weave or bum pads to buy at affordable prices.
Have you realize how majority of these new young black women have become instant entrepreneurs-selling nothing apart from weaves and shoes?
If it was only a mere interest in weaves meant to simply make them look good, I would not have bothered myself with this piece. After all, when did looking good become a crime?
But, if you stand for it, talk about it all the time and can hold a substantive debate/discussion about weaves than any other thing of importance, then it is not just about looking good. It goes beyond that.
The new sets of young black women are increasingly being perceived globally as ‘Shallow’ with nothing worth a dime about them apart from their backsides, weaves and loud mouths. No one created this image about them, they’ve done it all by themselves…
Bulk of mainstream TV programs and movies think the same of the new sets of black women. Anytime a character is needed in a movie or TV program that has to be blessed with a homogenous backside, loud mouth but no intelligence, a black woman is portrayed as such.
Whenever a black woman appears on TV series or movies (even if such programs are highly intellectual), the black woman will be known for her big backside, loud mouth, long weave, unintelligent persona or entrenched interest in non-intelligent subjects/materials.
I used to blame ‘white dominated’ media platforms for painting young black women as unintelligent with nothing to offer apart from showing their backside, loud mouth, make-up and long weaves.
However, I have realized that; the above is the true nature of affairs and the increasing number of young black women on twitter and facebook confirm this…
All I find the many young black women on social media platforms talk about is weave, weave and weave.  If it gets boring, they switch to talk about reality TV shows and then make-up.
The number of times these women tweet or upload photos of their backside (with lines adoring their backs) make me wonder; Are Black Women Worth Anything More Than Their Asses?
If you think I am exaggerating, just head to twitter or facebook and check out the profiles of any of these young black women who are your friends on there, and count the number of photos focusing on their backsides and weaves that have been uploaded.
Whiles at it, check out the subjects they discuss and the pages they have LIKED! You can hit me up for 50 dollars if you find out that any of your new black women friends have liked the pages of NASA or National Geographic Society…LOL.
Anytime I see black women shake their backside on TV as if that is their passports to heaven, it reminds me of how different these new ones are compared to those girls I grew up with.
I have stopped trying to find a TV channel which will not have one of these new black women showing off all her chest, long weave, long nails, thick make-up and building a huge credential around her backside…
Probably I just need to let go my ego and accept that; indeed the new young black women’s worth is in their weaves and backsides….Nothing More!

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